The Future of Revenue Cycle Management

Stratisphere provides outpatient and inpatient medical coding assignment and various other revenue cycle services to the healthcare industry.


Optimized Solutions for Healthcare Organizations

Most private practices find that managing ongoing costs related to medical coding is a task that they don’t have the resources to do. That’s when Stratisphere Healthcare Solutions, LLC in Chicago, IL comes to your assistance. We are a US - based medical coding processing firm providing comprehensive solutions for healthcare organizations all over the world. With the full implementation of ICD-10 and ICD-11, our industry is more than ever in great demand for proficient medical coding. Maximize your organization’s revenue inflow and hire us to handle your coding needs.


Improving the U.S. Medical Community

Most private practices find that managing ongoing costs related to medical coding is a task that they don’t have the resources to do. That’s when Stratisphere Healthcare Solutions, LLC in Chicago, IL comes to your assistance. We are a US - based medical coding processing firm providing comprehensive solutions for healthcare organizations all over the world. With the full implementation of ICD-10 and ICD-11, our industry is more than ever in great demand for proficient medical coding. Maximize your organization’s revenue inflow and hire us to handle your coding needs.


Are you a Covered Entity experiencing a backlog due to circumstantial events?

We can help!  Please contact our office to schedule your Free Consultation.